LGBTQ+ Provider Guide Now Digital!

LGBTQ+ Provider Guide Now Digital!

The Equitas Health Institute Provider Guide is a listing of Ohio medical and social service providers who offer varying degrees and types of LGBTQ+ affirming care. Now you can search the guide by geographic region on our website!

Providers listed in this guide answered “yes” to at least one of the following questions. When searching the guide, you’ll use tthe corresponding symbols to determine the nature of LGBTQ+ affirming services each provider offers.


Has had LGBTQ-specific cultural competency training. Have you received any LGBTQ-specific competency training?

Uses LGBTQ-inclusive language on forms and paperwork. Does your paperwork provide space for patients to indicate their relationship status as partnered, differentiate between their sex and gender, and indicate preferred name and pronouns?

Provides LGBTQ-specific education materials. Does your office have any visible or available educational/supportive materials printed specifically for the LGBTQ community?

Provides Trans-specific services. Do you provide trans-specific services?

Has had LGBTQ+ specific cultural competency training with Equitas Health Institute.

Start searching now!

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