LGBTQ+ Basic Concepts and Terminology
LGBTQ+ Basic Concepts and Terminology
6/22/21 11:30 am EDT – 12:30 PM EDT
This training, led by Equitas Health Institute Lead Trainer Ramona Peel (she/her/hers) will describe basic concepts relevant to LGBTQ+ populations, including gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. Ramona will also explain what the letters in the acronym “LGBTQ+” typically mean, as well as the meaning of other relevant terms, such as cisgender and gender non-conformity/gender variance. There will be a live Q&A session with Ramona at the conclusion of the hour. Admission will be $15. Please reach out to Ramona Peel at ramonapeel@equitashealth.com if you have further questions.
This activity has been approved by the State of Ohio Counselor Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board (RSX031201 and RCX051725) for 1 credit hour for Social Work Ethics and Counseling Ethics.