Elevate Your Voice at TCC!
This year’s Transforming Care Conference will highlight a series of personal presentations featuring firsthand accounts of LGBTQ+ folks experiencing, navigating, and/or avoiding healthcare and social services.
What is the Transforming Care Conference?
Selected presenters receive:
- $75 for your time and expertise
- Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching
- Free Registration to Transforming Care | OCT 14 & 15
Application acceptance starting August 15.
Sick of receiving homophobic or transphobic services?
Tired of doctors who “don’t see color”?
Are you an LGBTQ+ person who struggles to make your health a priority?
Got your own definition of what health and wellness means to you?
Never done anything like this before? Good!
We aren’t looking for experienced public speakers or health professionals. The purpose of Elevate Your Voice is to put a microphone in front of people who don’t usually get heard in healthcare and social service settings. If we select you to participate, we’ll help you develop your presentation and practice performing it.
Worried you aren’t a good enough writer to apply? Don’t be!
We don’t care how you write. We just want to get a sense of who you are and what story you have to tell.
What kinds of stories are we looking for?
- Have you ever felt ignored / talked-down-to / dismissed / disrespected / misunderstood in a healthcare or social service setting because of your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, class, language, or disability?
- Are you an LGBTQ+ person who avoids health and social service settings?
- Are you an LGBTQ+ person who struggles to make your own health a priority?
- Have you found your own affirming ways of exploring or defining health and wellness in your life?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, we want to hear from you!
Ready to tell your story?
Know someone you want to recommend? Send them a link to this page!