In October of 2020, Transforming Care Conference participants from around the globe gathered virtually to focus our intention on “the invisibles”—those within the LGBTQ+ and HIV communities left out or kept out of common public health narratives. Plenary speakers, Rev. Angela Davis, challenged us to notice that we are invisible only when we assume that the relevant gaze is cast by those who do not see us. Our 2021 theme—We see us!challenges the LGBTQ+ community, queer people of color, people living with HIV, caretakers, and activiststo hold up one another’s experience, to validate the knowledge that comes from living, doing, and being, and to acknowledge ourselves as relevant witnesses.

This year’s Transforming Care Conference will ask: What does healthcare look like from the perspective of the patient? What insights do we gain when we center the expertise of front linesocial workers, nurses, counselors, community health workers, teachers, and case managers? How does our understanding of the barriers to care change when we view them from the outside? What does care look like when conceived or imagined by Black and brown communities, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, people living with addiction, people living with HIV?